Mission Statement
St. Mary's Catholic Church of Melrose, Minnesota is a community of baptized Christians witnessing to the presence of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition.
The heart of our believing community is the Church's sacramental and liturgical life. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we gather regularly to celebrate the presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament.
We believe our mission is to praise God, build up God's kingdom on earth, and respond to God's call with personal commitment and action:
by lives of prayer and service to one another;
by formation of our young people at St. Mary's School and religious education;
by continuing formation of adults;
by ministering to the special, individual needs of all of God's people;
by responsible giving and stewardship of God's gifts;
by attending to the material needs of the parish; and
by reaching out to all with the Good News of Christ in friendship and hospitality.