Youth Ministry
All students in grades 7-12 that belong to the One In Faith community of St. Andrew's, St. John's, St. Mary's and St. Michael's are welcome to belong and participate in the youth group. Our youth group also consists of volunteers who help make our youth group flourish.
As a youth group we strive to incorporate the eight components of Youth Ministry outlined in the USCCB document, “Renewing the Vision,” in our activities.
The eight components are:
• Community Life
• Leadership Development
• Advocacy
• Evangelization
• Catechesis
• Service and Justice
• Worship and Prayer
• Pastoral Care
Living out these components helps us to become active participants in our parish community by living as disciples of Christ. As a youth group we also try to foster the growth of the whole person. Our youth group activities help us grow in personal faith and in faith as a community